Monster of the Week, February 11, 2020
A weekly, system-agnostic monster.Dream Eater
The dreams and hopes of children attract the feeding of the Dream Eater. A shadowy, indistinct, and immaterial being, the Dream Eater feeds on hope, imagination, and wonder. In its wake, children are left with resignation, complacency, and a desire for conformity.Adults are often unaware of the dream eater's work. Instead, it works quietly in the shadows of schools, orphanages, and homes where adults confuse the diminishing magic in the eyes and minds of children as maturation. Instead, the Dream Eater is siphoning off the creative spirit, rebellion, and individuality of children for its own needs.
It is not clear why the Dream Eater does what it does. It may use the spirit it drains from children as food, to procreate, or to gather as a sacrifice to a shadowy lord.
When confronted, the dream eater does not fight. Rather, it flees. Lacking substance, the dream eater can flit fro shadow to shadow, dissolve into darkness, and pass through cracks to flee. They hate light and flame and fear true bravery.
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