Monster of the Week, February 25 Another week, another system-agnostic monster. Tumor Leech The Tumor Leech was first summoned by the Witch Kings of Ylum, and is still mostly found as a trap in Ylumi ruins. The Witch Kings were known for their pacts with the Abyss, the Hells, and all lower planes between as with the entities of the Far Realms. These pacts made their society a powerful empire, but also led to the collapse of their empire in flames. A Tumor Leech is a cat-sized, tan, fleshy creature with eight tubular limbs and a long tail. It is covered with a slick slime, it lacks eyes or a mouth, sensing vibrations with its entire body. Most are kept in suspended animation in containers as a trap to prevent the raiding of Ylumi treasures and are awakened when they are disturbed. They launch themselves at the first creature they encounter, grappling their target and trying to force their tubular tails into the throat of the target to release a payload of its alchemical...
My name is Doug and I spend too much time doodling and playing make believe.